International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN to facilitate unique identifiers for seismological data streams.

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Network Code Network Name Operated By Deployment DOI
9K (2018-2018) 2018 FaultScan San Jacinto Fault dense array experiment DOI
9C (2019-2026) 2019 Copiapo
9F (2021-2022) 2-year seismological experiment near Fagradalsfjall, Reykjanes peninsula in 2021/22 DOI
9L (2019-2019) 4-D investigation of the hydrological properties of playas of the Southern High Pains
  • Texas Tech University, United States of America
9C (2014-2016) Aleutian Array of Arrays
  • UC Riverside, United States of America
9H (1968-2002) An Assembled Western US Dataset for Regional Seismic Analysis
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), United States of America
United States of America
9H (2019-2019) Andi 2019
  • Zhejiang University (ZJU), China
9O (2019-2020) ASTUTI Costa Rica
9B (2016-2019) BEAMISH
  • British Antarctic Survey (BAS), United Kingdom
9W (2020-2030) Belledonne border fault survey
9B (2014-2015) Cape Verde, Fogo Temporary Seismic Network
  • Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, I.P. (IPMA), Portugal
9V (2015-2025) Casey - Davis region
  • University of Tasmania, Australia
9N (2020-2020) CO2 containment and monitoring techniques at Crystal Geyser
9A (2007-2008) COBO
  • GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany), Germany
9J (2015-2016) Collaborative Research: Grounding Line Dynamics: Crary Ice Rise Revisited
  • Central Washington University, United States of America
9H (2022-2026) CRONOS - Croatia/Norway Contribution to AdriaArray Temporary Network
9G (2021-2022) DAS La Palma 2021 eruption DOI
9Q (2017-2030) DEEP-TEE Phase 2 DOI
9A (2012-2012) Deformation and magmatic modification of a steep continental margin, western Idaho - eastern Oregon
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), United States of America
9A (2017-2018) Dense seismic three-component nodal array at the Bud Wellman Ranch
  • UC San Diego, United States of America
9D (2016-2016) Dense seismic three-component nodal array at the Ramona Reservation
  • UC San Diego, United States of America
9O (2021-2025) DIVEnet
9M (2018-2018) Dry Alluvium Geology 2
  • Mission Support and Test Services, LLC (MSTS)
9D (2021-2021) Dryland Critical Zone: Jornada Piedmont Seismic Imaging
  • University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), United States of America
9K (2019-2020) Durres, Albania earthquake aftershock campaign
9R (2019-2021) East Antarctic International Ice Sheet Traverse seismic network
9A (2013-2013) East Texas Earthquake Monitoring
9M (2023-2025) Eyre Peninsula Nodal Array DOI
9N (2018-2018) Fibre-optic distributed acoustic sensing, seismological and infrasonic data from Etna DOI
9J (2017-2018) FoMaPS
  • Institute for Geosciences - Goethe University, Germany
9Y (2024-2027) French Emergency Seismic Network
9Y (2023-2023) GEODES Potrillo Volcanic Field Active Nodal Seismic Experiment 2023
  • University of Maryland
9P (2022-2024) GEology of New England via Seismic Imaging Studies
  • Yale University, United States of America
9A (2023-2025) Geothermal Resource Assessment beNeath IrelaNd Using Subsurface imaging DOI
9F (2023-2023) GreenlandSeismic
  • Institut des Sciences de la Terre, France
9F (2024-2025) GreenlandSeismic (GreenlandSeismic) DOI
9U (2019-2021) GWatt temporary seismic network at UDDGP DOI
9L (2020-2020) Hall Ranch Nodal Seismic Array DOI
9B (2021-2025) Hampton Roads Seismic Monitoring Network
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), United States of America
9A (2021-2022) HART-La Palma volcanic eruption DOI
9C (2010-2011) High Resolution Seismological Profiling across Sierra Nevad
  • GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany), Germany
9P (2015-2018) Horizontal Pressure Gradient Test Deployments
  • Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University (LDEO), United States of America
9D (2010-2012) Ice-ocean interaction at Nuuk tidewater glaciers
  • University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF), United States of America
9C (2013-2013) Ilan Plain 2013
  • National Central University (NCU), Taiwan
9J (2012-2014) Illgraben DOI
9D (2022-2026) Imaging the spatial and temporal evolution of frictional asperities along the failure surface of creeping landslides
  • UC Santa Cruz, United States of America
9G (2016-2017) Impact of Supraglacial Lakes on Ice-Shelf Stability
  • University of Chicago, United States of America
9K (2013-2014) INGV Temporary Seismic Network for Matese 2013 Sequence (Southern Italy) DOI
9N (2011-2016) INGV Temporary Seismic Network for Pollino 2011 Sequence DOI
9D (2014-2014) Integrated Geosciences in the Merida Andes, Venezuela

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The network data shown here is also available programmatically through a web service API.