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DSB - Dublin, Ireland (photo)

  Information for DSB as of Wed Sep 10 6:19:38 US/Pacif ic 1997
Station: Dublin, Ireland
Director: Prof. Brian Jacob Network Affiliation: GEOFON
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
School of Cosmic Physics
5 Merrion Square Dublin 2
Network Contact:
GEOFON Project
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
Telegrafenberg A17
D-14473 Potsdam Germany
Telephone: 353-16-621333 Open Station: yes Phone:on request
Fax: 353-16-621477
Parent Organization:
Dublin Institute for Advance Studies
Latitude: 53.2452N
Longitude: 6.3762W
Elevation to Sensor: 236
Depth to Sensor: 0
Geology: NA
Vault Conditions: The STS-2 sensor is installed directly on rough bedrock using a special casing. The vault is on the surface and is not ideally shielded against temperature and pressure fluctuations.
Site Description: The station is installed in a concrete hut situated in an old quarry. The recording room is located in the front part of the building, the seismometer room in the back. Walls and roof of boths rooms are disconnected from each other.
 Address(es) from which to obtain digital data
Station Instrumentation
GEOFON - [GE]: 17 Dec 1993 to present