International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Voting for a new member

Started: 2017-07-14 06:52:28
Last activity: 2017-07-19 16:02:14
Michelle Grobbelaar
2017-07-14 06:52:28
Dear All

We have received a request for membership from Texas Seismological Network (TexNet),
Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin.

They already provide data in SEED format through IRIS and their own FDSNWS (

They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
"Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

Please could you send me your votes by no later than 27 July 2017 in order for us to make a decision.

Thank you for you cooperation.
Kind regards
  • Tim Ahern
    2017-07-14 14:57:22
    I know this group well, they are certainly a very valid FDSN member.

    I vote favor of their admission

    Tim Ahern

    Director of Data Services

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    Seattle, WA 98105

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    On Jul 13, 2017, at 11:52 PM, Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>> wrote:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from Texas Seismological Network (TexNet),
    Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin.

    They already provide data in SEED format through IRIS and their own FDSNWS (

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 27 July 2017 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives (

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Paul Earle
    2017-07-18 15:40:49
    Dear Michelle,

    The NEIC has worked closely with TexNet. They are doing a excellent job
    setting up the network. I'm strongly in favor of their membership.



    Paul Earle
    Director of 24/7 Operations USGS/NEIC

    If urgent, please text or call. CC only if needed.
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    On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 12:52 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar <
    michelle<at>> wrote:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from Texas Seismological Network
    Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of
    Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin.

    They already provide data in SEED format through IRIS and their own FDSNWS

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
    broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open
    access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
    membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting
    members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN
    will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 27 July 2017 in order
    for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives (

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Seiji Tsuboi
    2017-07-18 16:14:47
    I will vote for approval of membership application from University of Texas at Austin.

    Seiji Tsuboi

    -----Original Message-----
    From: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>
    [fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>] On Behalf Of
    Michelle Grobbelaar
    Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 3:53 PM
    To: FDSN Representatives
    Subject: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for a new member

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from Texas Seismological Network
    (TexNet), Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson
    School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin.

    They already provide data in SEED format through IRIS and their own FDSNWS

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
    broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access
    to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
    membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members
    will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will
    constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 27 July 2017 in order
    for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Reynir Bodvarsson
    2017-07-19 16:02:14
    Dear all,

    I vote in favour.

    Best regards,
    Reynir Böðvarsson

    Skickat från min iPad

    14 juli 2017 kl. 08:52 skrev Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>>:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from Texas Seismological Network (TexNet),
    Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin.

    They already provide data in SEED format through IRIS and their own FDSNWS (

    They also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station.
    Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 27 July 2017 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives (

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at