International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: fdsnws-event - add support for event type in query and text format

Started: 2016-07-22 00:22:24
Last activity: 2016-07-28 22:21:11

I would like to propose a change to fdsnws-event. Currently, there is very limited support for event type. This information is given in the quakeML XML output, but it is missing from the text output. Also, it would be very useful to be able to query catalogues by event type.

I know there is a long story about what is the correct nomenclature for event type, but quakeML1.2 supports the following event types as seen in

I would suggest if eventype is not specified in a query, the default would be ‘Earthquake’ (many of us offering fdsnws-event only support EventType=Earthquake anyway).

Is there any established procedure to manage changing versions of fdsnws? It hasn’t changed since 4/2013.


  • Hello,

    The USGS fdsnws-event web service already supports an "eventtype" parameter
    as an extension, and it is included in our extension output formats csv and

    I recommend using the actual quakeml values ("earthquake" instead of



    On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:23 AM, John Clinton <jclinton<at>> wrote:

    Dear FDSN WG III,

    I would like to propose a change to fdsnws-event. Currently, there is very
    limited support for event type. This information is given in the quakeML
    XML output, but it is missing from the text output. Also, it would be very
    useful to be able to query catalogues by event type.

    I know there is a long story about what is the correct nomenclature for
    event type, but quakeML1.2 supports the following event types as seen in

    I would suggest if eventype is not specified in a query, the default would
    be ‘Earthquake’ (many of us offering fdsnws-event only support
    EventType=Earthquake anyway).

    Is there any established procedure to manage changing versions of fdsnws?
    It hasn’t changed since 4/2013.


    FDSN Working Group III (

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  • Greetings FDSN Working group III.

    I think a couple of issues have come up but I think John intended this comment to be related to the FDSN event service invocation more than the QuakeML issue that is also being discussed.

    Working Group III is responsible for the specification of the service. Valid eventtype values should be part of the QuakeM specification.

    So given the discussion of this request from John please let me know if there are any objections to having the FDSN Event service modified to require support for another parameter called


    By default if eventtype is not specified in the users request then it should return all event types. Output formats would have to be modified to support the display of the event type. Following the USGS current implementation seems to make good sense.

    Please respond if you are in favor of this modification by Friday August 12, and please respond to the FDSN WGIII list.

    Dr. Tim Ahern

    Chair of FDSN WG III on
    Products, Tools and Services

    On Jul 21, 2016, at 10:23 AM, John Clinton <jclinton<at>> wrote:

    Dear FDSN WG III,

    I would like to propose a change to fdsnws-event. Currently, there is very limited support for event type. This information is given in the quakeML XML output, but it is missing from the text output. Also, it would be very useful to be able to query catalogues by event type.

    I know there is a long story about what is the correct nomenclature for event type, but quakeML1.2 supports the following event types as seen in

    I would suggest if eventype is not specified in a query, the default would be ‘Earthquake’ (many of us offering fdsnws-event only support EventType=Earthquake anyway).

    Is there any established procedure to manage changing versions of fdsnws? It hasn’t changed since 4/2013.


    FDSN Working Group III (

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