International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

UT: Ukrainian National Seismic Network

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FDSN Network Information

FDSN code UT Network name Ukrainian National Seismic Network (RVKINA)
Start year 2023 Operated by
End year - Deployment region Ukraine

The seismic network is currently undergoing modernization and expansion as part of the Seismic Network Expansion and Modernization in Ukraine (SNEMU) project. This initiative is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Michigan State University (MSU), and the EarthScope Consortium. The network will be enhanced with Trillium 120 posthole sensors and Centaur CTR4-6S digitizers.

The modernization efforts in the Carpathian region have been supported by the ORFEUS Data Integration Grant under the Geo-INQUIRE Project, with significant contributions from GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Gaia Code, and Geoazur, which provided instruments and technical support. As part of this upgrade, five stations (KSV, RAKU, MEZ, STNU, BRIU) were modernized in September and December 2024, and March 2025, receiving Guralp CMG-3ESP (120 s) and GaiaCode THETA-TT30-VEL (30 s) sensors, along with EarthData PR6-24 digitizers.

The network also includes stations equipped with a variety of sensors, such as: SM-3KV (2 s), SM-3 (2 s), SKD (25 s), Guralp CMG-40T (30 s), GEOTECH SL-210; SL-220 (20 s), IGPH (30 s) sensors and DAS-05, IGPH dataloggers.

Citation Information

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.7914/jcvs-1309
For more: DataCite ( JSON | XML | BibTeX )

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