International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

6D (2022-2022): Western Gawler MT & Passive Seismic Array

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FDSN Network Information

FDSN code 6D (2022-2022) Network name Western Gawler MT & Passive Seismic Array (Western Gawler ADI)
Start year 2022 Operated by
End year 2022 Deployment region -

The Western Gawler array consists of a short term (~12 day) nodal experiment over three E-W transects across key areas in the Fowler Domain in the Western Gawler Craton. The Western Gawler array is part of the South Australian Governments Department of Energy and Mining (DEM) Accelerated Discovery Initiative (ADI) project 'Western Gawler project: magnetotelluric (MT), passive seismic and magnetic modelling study' research collaboration between the University of Adelaide and Western Areas Ltd. 82 SmartSolo IGU-16HR 3C short period AuScope nodes were deployed in March - April 2022. All data recorded at 250 Hz, with a preamplifier gain of 24 dB. The aim of the project is to provide constraints on the cover sequences across the project area.

Citation Information

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.7914/6j8j-9f06
For more: DataCite ( JSON | XML | BibTeX )

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