International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

1A (2024-2031): Methana Magmatic Observational Experiment

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FDSN Network Information

FDSN code 1A (2024-2031) Network name Methana Magmatic Observational Experiment (MeMaX)
Start year 2024 Operated by
End year 2031 Deployment region -

We aim to identify evidence of undetected magmatic activity through the identification of microseismic events. Our focus is on the western Saronic Gulf region within the Aegean Sea. Since 2019, the National Observatory of Athens and the University of Patras have operated six seismic stations on Methana and the nearby Peloponnese mainland.

In March 2024, we deployed an additional 15 remote recording stations from the Geophysical Instrument Pool of GFZ Potsdam across Methana, Aegina, Agistri islands, and the mainland Peloponnese. We use MARK L-4C-3D seismometers together with the DATA-CUBE3 with external batteries.

Citation Information

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.14470/6N477343
For more: DataCite ( JSON | XML | BibTeX )

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