Dear Seiji,
First of all, I have not received any message of yours regarding nomination
of stations to FDSN backbone.
Secondly, your query comes to me at an infortunate moment when I cannot
give an exact yes-or-no answer.
Currently we have a problem with station WAR. We had to close it down
October 10, 2008 and it is not clear if we can have it brought up again,
We have evacuated the seismic station from WAR and intend to reopen it
at BEL, which is 45 km South of WAR. There has been a…
Dear FDSN WG1 members,
Here are some suggestions for discussion on increasing the size of the
FDSN Backbone.
Best regards,
First, a very brief history. The FDSN Backbone was "originally" the
FDSN network. At the Potsdam meeting in 2004, FDSN members expressed
their interest that their networks actually become part of the FDSN
network. To include this concept and still to maintain a globally-
distributed, high-quality, openly-exchange subset of the FDSN network,
the for…