International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Re: revised terms of reference: vote by June 6, 2024

Started: 2024-05-17 17:01:04
Last activity: 2024-05-17 21:02:18
Fernando Carrilho
2024-05-17 17:01:04
On 16-05-2024 21:34, Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) wrote:




Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed
revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from
within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee
had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight,
and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement
that executive committee members be steering committee members.

Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

“The FDSN executive committee consists ofis headed bya chair,who will
be assisted bya secretary,a treasurerand the chairs of all FDSN
working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over
the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive
committee shall be elected byfrom withinthe steering committeeor
themember organizations. Elections take place during steering
committee meetings.”

Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at> with
YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised
wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


Nick Ackerley

(he, him, il, lui)

Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service

Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

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Fernando Carrilho
Divisão de Geofísica|DivGE

Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera.
Rua C ao Aeroporto Humberto Delgado
1749-077 Lisboa

NIF: 510 265 600
Telefone Geral: +351 218 447 000
Telefone Direto: +351 218 447 110
Ext: 30110

  • Xyoli Pérez-Campos
    2024-05-17 21:02:18
    YES - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


    Dra. Xyoli Pérez Campos
    Departamento de Sismología
    Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM

    On Fri 17 May 2024 at 6:03 p.m. Fernando Carrilho (via FDSN) <
    fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>> wrote:

    On 16-05-2024 21:34, Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) wrote:




    Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

    Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision
    did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member
    organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc
    meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it
    is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee
    members be steering committee members.

    Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

    “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will
    be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN
    working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the
    meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee
    shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member
    organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

    Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at> with YES
    or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording.
    Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


    Nick Ackerley

    (he, him, il, lui)

    Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service

    Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

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    Fernando Carrilho
    Divisão de Geofísica|DivGE

    Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera.
    Rua C ao Aeroporto Humberto Delgado
    1749-077 Lisboa

    NIF: 510 265 600
    Telefone Geral: +351 218 447 000
    Telefone Direto: +351 218 447 110
    Ext: 30110

    FDSN representatives
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    • Alexandros Savvaidis
      2024-05-17 19:05:04
      Yes – Texas Seismological Network (TexNet).

      Thanks, and Best Regards,

      Alexandros Savvaidis, Ph.D., Professor, Jackson School of Geoscience, The University of Texas at Austin
      Manager and PI of Texas Seismological Network and Seismology Research (TexNet)
      Cell: (737) 202-8750

      From: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> <fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>>
      Sent: Friday, May 17, 2024 2:03 PM
      To: FDSN representatives <fdsn-representatives<at>>
      Subject: Re: [fdsn-representatives] revised terms of reference: vote by June 6, 2024

      YES - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


      Dra. Xyoli Pérez Campos
      Departamento de Sismología
      Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM

      On Fri 17 May 2024 at 6:03 p.m. Fernando Carrilho (via FDSN) <fdsn-representatives-bounce<at><fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>>> wrote:
      On 16-05-2024 21:34, Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) wrote:




      Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

      Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee members be steering committee members.

      Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

      “The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations. Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

      Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at><fdsn-representatives<at>> with YES or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording. Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


      Nick Ackerley
      (he, him, il, lui)

      Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service
      Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks


      This message was cross-posted to multiple topics.

      FDSN representatives

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      FDSN Execom

      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-execom-unsubscribe<at><fdsn-execom-unsubscribe<at>>

      Sent from the FDSN Message Center (

      Update subscription preferences at


      Fernando Carrilho
      Divisão de Geofísica|DivGE

      Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera.
      Rua C ao Aeroporto Humberto Delgado
      1749-077 Lisboa

      NIF: 510 265 600
      Telefone Geral: +351 218 447 000
      Telefone Direto: +351 218 447 110
      Ext: 30110
      Internet: http://www.ipma.pt

      FDSN representatives
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at><fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>>

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