International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Fwd: revised terms of reference: vote by June 6, 2024

Started: 2024-05-16 15:37:52
Last activity: 2024-05-16 15:37:52
Carlos Alberto Vargas Jiménez
2024-05-16 15:37:52
YES, Approved!

Prof. *Carlos Alberto Vargas J.*, Geophysical Research Group
Department of Geosciences, Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Bogotá
Number Member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Nature
Sciences (ACCEFyN)
Fellow of the International Science Council (ISC)
+571-3165000 x 16506/16514
Bogotá - Colombia

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Ackerley, Nicholas (via FDSN) <message-center-bounce<at>>
Date: jue, 16 may 2024 a la(s) 3:34 p.m.
Subject: [fdsn-representatives][fdsn-execom] revised terms of reference:
vote by June 6, 2024
To: FDSN Message Center <message-center<at>>


Dear FDSN Steering Committee,

Thanks to Tim Ahern for pointing out that the previously-proposed revision
did not require that the executive committee be elected from within member
organizations, and should. The FDSN Executive Committee had an ad hoc
meeting on May 3 and agreed that this was an oversight, and that instead it
is sufficient to remove the spurious requirement that executive committee
members be steering committee members.

Below is the new proposed wording, for your approval:

“The FDSN executive committee consists of is headed by a chair, who will be
assisted by a secretary, a treasurer and the chairs of all FDSN working
groups. The chair of the executive committee will preside over the meetings
of the steering committee. Members of the executive committee shall be
elected by from within the steering committee or the member organizations.
Elections take place during steering committee meetings.”

Please vote by responding to fdsn-representatives<at> with YES
or NO, to indicate that your organization approves of the revised wording.
Voting will close June 6, 2024, three weeks from now.


Nick Ackerley

(he, him, il, lui)

Seismologist, Canadian Hazard Information Service

Secretary, International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

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