International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: station naming convention verification

Started: 2021-08-10 11:00:37
Last activity: 2021-08-11 21:07:10
Katrin Hafner
2021-08-10 11:00:37
Hello All,

This is a simple question (I hope) but I have seen different answers, so
would like to verify.

In the ISC seismic station registry, it looks like a seismic station
name has to be unique (without its network code). However, in the FDSN
definition it looks like the as long as the station name is unique
within a network code it can be used. From,

Network code​: Uniquely identifies the owner and network operator
responsible for the data. This
identifier is assigned by the FDSN. Must be between 1 and 8 characters.

Station code​: Uniquely identifies a station within a network. Must be
between 1 and 8 characters.

My example is a new seismic station installed in Dusheti, Georgia
(network code "GO").  Station name "DSHT".   We would like to archive
this at the IRIS DMC. However, in the ISC registry there is already a
station name of "DSHT" located somewhere
else (although apparently not active any more).

Thanks for any clarification.


Katrin Hafner

Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
IRIS GSN Senior Program Manager

Phone: 1-(509)899-5449
e-mail: katrin.hafner<at>

  • Chad Trabant
    2021-08-10 10:22:51
    Hi all,

    I do not recall an official FDSN requirement regarding conformance with the International Registry @ ISC. In the 2007 WG I report the following statement is included and I believe is the general consensus of members:

    "FDSN encourages each regional coordinator to register the stations to ISC"

    Also note that the FDSN Source Identifier proposal has been accepted and is published here:

    Within the accepted specification including this in the Station Code definition:

    "Station code: Uniquely identifies a station within a network. Station codes may be registered with the International Registry of Seismograph Stations Must be between 1 and 8 characters. Otherwise, these may be whatever the operator wishes."


    On Aug 10, 2021, at 10:01 AM, Katrin Hafner (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

    Hello All,

    This is a simple question (I hope) but I have seen different answers, so would like to verify.

    In the ISC seismic station registry, it looks like a seismic station name has to be unique (without its network code). However, in the FDSN definition it looks like the as long as the station name is unique within a network code it can be used. From,
    Network code​: Uniquely identifies the owner and network operator responsible for the data. This
    identifier is assigned by the FDSN. Must be between 1 and 8 characters.

    Station code​: Uniquely identifies a station within a network. Must be between 1 and 8 characters.

    My example is a new seismic station installed in Dusheti, Georgia (network code "GO"). Station name "DSHT". We would like to archive this at the IRIS DMC. However, in the ISC registry there is already a station name of "DSHT" located somewhere else (although apparently not active any more).

    Thanks for any clarification.


    Katrin Hafner

    Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
    IRIS GSN Senior Program Manager

    Phone: 1-(509)899-5449
    e-mail: katrin.hafner<at> <katrin.hafner<at>>
    FDSN Working Group II
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    • Istvan Bondar
      2021-08-11 09:35:28
      Dear All,

      As far as I know, the ISC plans to adopt the FDSN station naming convention which is reflected in the new ISF2 format (yet to be introduced
      at the ISC). At least that was the plan several years ago. BTW, what makes a station id unique in the FDSN convention is the entire fdsn code
      (net.sta.chan.location) plus the on and offdates because the network codes are not unique either; the temporary network codes get often
      recycled. You need to register your stations at the ISC if you wanted to contribute picks/events to the ISC.
      I also cc-d Dmitry Storchak if he wanted to put in his sixpence.


      On 2021. Aug 10., at 19:24, Chad Trabant (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

      Hi all,

      I do not recall an official FDSN requirement regarding conformance with the International Registry @ ISC. In the 2007 WG I report the following statement is included and I believe is the general consensus of members:

      "FDSN encourages each regional coordinator to register the stations to ISC"

      Also note that the FDSN Source Identifier proposal has been accepted and is published here:

      Within the accepted specification including this in the Station Code definition:

      "Station code: Uniquely identifies a station within a network. Station codes may be registered with the International Registry of Seismograph Stations Must be between 1 and 8 characters. Otherwise, these may be whatever the operator wishes."


      On Aug 10, 2021, at 10:01 AM, Katrin Hafner (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at> <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>>> wrote:

      Hello All,

      This is a simple question (I hope) but I have seen different answers, so would like to verify.

      In the ISC seismic station registry, it looks like a seismic station name has to be unique (without its network code). However, in the FDSN definition it looks like the as long as the station name is unique within a network code it can be used. From,
      Network code​: Uniquely identifies the owner and network operator responsible for the data. This
      identifier is assigned by the FDSN. Must be between 1 and 8 characters.

      Station code​: Uniquely identifies a station within a network. Must be between 1 and 8 characters.

      My example is a new seismic station installed in Dusheti, Georgia (network code "GO"). Station name "DSHT". We would like to archive this at the IRIS DMC. However, in the ISC registry there is already a station name of "DSHT" located somewhere else (although apparently not active any more).

      Thanks for any clarification.


      Katrin Hafner

      Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
      IRIS GSN Senior Program Manager

      Phone: 1-(509)899-5449
      e-mail: katrin.hafner<at> <katrin.hafner<at>>
      FDSN Working Group II
      Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at> <fdsn-wg2-data-unsubscribe<at>>

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      • Lucia Margheriti
        2021-08-11 16:16:41
        This is a very important issue,
        It is very important to have the possibility of regostering stations at ISC with their station code!

        Lucia Margheriti
        Osservatorio Nazionale Terremoti, INGV

        Il giorno 11 ago 2021, alle ore 09:36, Istvan Bondar (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> ha scritto:

        Dear All,

        As far as I know, the ISC plans to adopt the FDSN station naming convention which is reflected in the new ISF2 format (yet to be introduced
        at the ISC). At least that was the plan several years ago. BTW, what makes a station id unique in the FDSN convention is the entire fdsn code
        (net.sta.chan.location) plus the on and offdates because the network codes are not unique either; the temporary network codes get often
        recycled. You need to register your stations at the ISC if you wanted to contribute picks/events to the ISC.
        I also cc-d Dmitry Storchak if he wanted to put in his sixpence.


        On 2021. Aug 10., at 19:24, Chad Trabant (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

        Hi all,

        I do not recall an official FDSN requirement regarding conformance with the International Registry @ ISC. In the 2007 WG I report the following statement is included and I believe is the general consensus of members:

        "FDSN encourages each regional coordinator to register the stations to ISC"

        Also note that the FDSN Source Identifier proposal has been accepted and is published here:

        Within the accepted specification including this in the Station Code definition:

        "Station code: Uniquely identifies a station within a network. Station codes may be registered with the International Registry of Seismograph Stations. Must be between 1 and 8 characters. Otherwise, these may be whatever the operator wishes."


        On Aug 10, 2021, at 10:01 AM, Katrin Hafner (via FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

        Hello All,

        This is a simple question (I hope) but I have seen different answers, so would like to verify.

        In the ISC seismic station registry, it looks like a seismic station name has to be unique (without its network code). However, in the FDSN definition it looks like the as long as the station name is unique within a network code it can be used. From,

        Network code​: Uniquely identifies the owner and network operator responsible for the data. This
        identifier is assigned by the FDSN. Must be between 1 and 8 characters.

        Station code​: Uniquely identifies a station within a network. Must be between 1 and 8 characters.

        My example is a new seismic station installed in Dusheti, Georgia (network code "GO"). Station name "DSHT". We would like to archive this at the IRIS DMC. However, in the ISC registry there is already a station name of "DSHT" located somewhere else (although apparently not active any more).

        Thanks for any clarification.


        Katrin Hafner

        Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
        IRIS GSN Senior Program Manager

        Phone: 1-(509)899-5449
        e-mail: katrin.hafner<at>

        FDSN Working Group II
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        • Christos Evangelidis
          2021-08-11 21:07:10
          Dear all,

          I think it is time to start associating station codes in the ISC registry
          with network codes. Up to know ISC station registration does not require
          any FDSN network code declaration in the web form. So it seems that FDSN
          registers networks and ISC registers stations and these two registries are
          not connected at all.

          All the best,

          Christos Evangelidis
          Hellenic Broadband Seismic Network
          National Observatory of Athens

          Στις Τετ, 11 Αυγ 2021, 5:18 μ.μ. ο χρήστης lucia.margheriti<at> (via
          FDSN) <fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> έγραψε:

          This is a very important issue,
          It is very important to have the possibility of regostering stations at
          ISC with their station code!

          Lucia Margheriti
          Osservatorio Nazionale Terremoti, INGV

          Il giorno 11 ago 2021, alle ore 09:36, Istvan Bondar (via FDSN) <
          fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> ha scritto:

          Dear All,

          As far as I know, the ISC plans to adopt the FDSN station naming
          convention which is reflected in the new ISF2 format (yet to be introduced
          at the ISC). At least that was the plan several years ago. BTW, what makes
          a station id unique in the FDSN convention is the entire fdsn code
          (net.sta.chan.location) plus the on and offdates because the network codes
          are not unique either; the temporary network codes get often
          recycled. You need to register your stations at the ISC if you wanted to
          contribute picks/events to the ISC.
          I also cc-d Dmitry Storchak if he wanted to put in his sixpence.


          On 2021. Aug 10., at 19:24, Chad Trabant (via FDSN) <
          fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

          Hi all,

          I do not recall an official FDSN requirement regarding conformance with
          the International Registry @ ISC. In the 2007 WG I report the following
          statement is included and I believe is the general consensus of members:

          "FDSN encourages each regional coordinator to register the stations to ISC"

          Also note that the FDSN Source Identifier proposal has been accepted and
          is published here:

          Within the accepted specification including this in the Station Code

          *"Station code*: Uniquely identifies a station within a network. Station
          codes may be registered with the International Registry of Seismograph
          Stations Must be between 1 and 8
          characters. Otherwise, these may be whatever the operator wishes."


          On Aug 10, 2021, at 10:01 AM, Katrin Hafner (via FDSN) <
          fdsn-wg2-data-bounce<at>> wrote:

          Hello All,

          This is a simple question (I hope) but I have seen different answers, so
          would like to verify.

          In the ISC seismic station registry, it looks like a seismic station name
          has to be unique (without its network code). However, in the FDSN
          definition it looks like the as long as the station name is unique within a
          network code it can be used. From,

          Network code​: Uniquely identifies the owner and network operator
          responsible for the data. This
          identifier is assigned by the FDSN. Must be between 1 and 8 characters.

          Station code​: Uniquely identifies a station within a network. Must be
          between 1 and 8 characters.

          My example is a new seismic station installed in Dusheti, Georgia (network
          code "GO"). Station name "DSHT". We would like to archive this at the
          IRIS DMC. However, in the ISC registry there is already a station name of
          "DSHT" located
          somewhere else (although apparently not active any more).

          Thanks for any clarification.


          Katrin Hafner

          Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
          IRIS GSN Senior Program Manager

          Phone: 1-(509)899-5449
          e-mail: katrin.hafner<at>iris.edu

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