International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Vote for membership

Started: 2020-10-05 09:08:15
Last activity: 2020-10-10 15:08:24
Michelle Grobbelaar
2020-10-05 09:08:15
Dear All

We have received requests for membership, from 2 universities:

The University of Bergen (UiB) is responsible for running the Norwegian National Seismic Network (NNSN), and operates 39 seismic stations. NORSAR who already is an FDSN member is contributing to the NNSN with additional stations. The UiB stations are all real-time and equipped with broadband seismometers (except for one) and high dynamic range digitizers. Geographically the network covers mainland Norway and Arctic islands that belong to Norway to monitor earthquakes in the region (about 8000 events per year). An overview of the network and operations was presented in the ISC 2018 Summary of the bulletin (, and current monitoring and seismicity is presented on UiB has always supported open data policy and developed open source seismological software (e.g., SEISAN). Waveform data (including all 39 UiB stations) are available openly through fdsn web-services from the EIDA node (UIB-NORSAR that is hosted at UiB. UiB has supported Orfeus as core participant since its beginning.

The university of Memphis share the New Madrid network code with St. Louis University and also operate stations under the East Tennesse network code, both networks are part of the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) seismic network which consists of 132 permanent seismic stations (26 broadband, 18 free field strongmotion, 12 digital shortperiod with collocated strongmotion, and 76 shortperiod 3-component). All channels are exported to IRIS in real-time where they are publicly available. They also submit hypocenters and arrival times to the USGS Comcat (also publicly available) using both the NM and SE network codes (they took over submitting events for SE from VA Tech in the mid-2000's).

Thus, they also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
"Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

Please could you send me your votes by no later than 20 October 2020 in order for us to make a decision.

Thank you for you cooperation.
Kind regards
  • Enrico Priolo
    2020-10-05 16:44:34
    Dear Michelle,
    for OGS I vote YES for both networks.
    Best regards,

    Michelle Grobbelaar (via FDSN) ha scritto il 05/10/20 alle 11:08:
    Dear All

    We have received requests for membership, from 2 universities:

    The University of Bergen (UiB) is responsible for running the Norwegian National Seismic Network (NNSN), and operates 39 seismic stations. NORSAR who already is an FDSN member is contributing to the NNSN with additional stations. The UiB stations are all real-time and equipped with broadband seismometers (except for one) and high dynamic range digitizers. Geographically the network covers mainland Norway and Arctic islands that belong to Norway to monitor earthquakes in the region (about 8000 events per year). An overview of the network and operations was presented in the ISC 2018 Summary of the bulletin (, and current monitoring and seismicity is presented on UiB has always supported open data policy and developed open source seismological software (e.g., SEISAN). Waveform data (including all 39 UiB stations) are available openly through fdsn web-services from the EIDA node (UIB-NORSAR that is hosted at UiB. UiB has supported Orfeus as core participant since its beginning.

    The university of Memphis share the New Madrid network code with St. Louis University and also operate stations under the East Tennesse network code, both networks are part of the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) seismic network which consists of 132 permanent seismic stations (26 broadband, 18 free field strongmotion, 12 digital shortperiod with collocated strongmotion, and 76 shortperiod 3-component). All channels are exported to IRIS in real-time where they are publicly available. They also submit hypocenters and arrival times to the USGS Comcat (also publicly available) using both the NM and SE network codes (they took over submitting events for SE from VA Tech in the mid-2000's).

    Thus, they also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 20 October 2020 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    Vote for membership
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    Enrico Priolo
    Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS
    (National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics)
    Sezione CRS - Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (Seismological Section)
    Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/c
    I-34010 Sgonico (Trieste)

    e-mail: epriolo<at>
    skype: epriolo
    tel: +39 040 2140.351 (diretto/direct),  +39 040 2140.1 (centralino/main

  • Dimcho Solakov
    2020-10-06 10:43:33
    Dear colleagues,
    I vote YES for both networks.
    Best regards,
    Dimo Solakov

    На 5.10.2020 г. в 12:08, Michelle Grobbelaar (via FDSN) написа:
    Dear All

    We have received requests for membership, from 2 universities:

    The University of Bergen (UiB) is responsible for running the Norwegian National Seismic Network (NNSN), and operates 39 seismic stations. NORSAR who already is an FDSN member is contributing to the NNSN with additional stations. The UiB stations are all real-time and equipped with broadband seismometers (except for one) and high dynamic range digitizers. Geographically the network covers mainland Norway and Arctic islands that belong to Norway to monitor earthquakes in the region (about 8000 events per year). An overview of the network and operations was presented in the ISC 2018 Summary of the bulletin (, and current monitoring and seismicity is presented on UiB has always supported open data policy and developed open source seismological software (e.g., SEISAN). Waveform data (including all 39 UiB stations) are available openly through fdsn web-services from the EIDA node (UIB-NORSAR that is hosted at UiB. UiB has supported Orfeus as core participant since its beginning.

    The university of Memphis share the New Madrid network code with St. Louis University and also operate stations under the East Tennesse network code, both networks are part of the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) seismic network which consists of 132 permanent seismic stations (26 broadband, 18 free field strongmotion, 12 digital shortperiod with collocated strongmotion, and 76 shortperiod 3-component). All channels are exported to IRIS in real-time where they are publicly available. They also submit hypocenters and arrival times to the USGS Comcat (also publicly available) using both the NM and SE network codes (they took over submitting events for SE from VA Tech in the mid-2000's).

    Thus, they also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 20 October 2020 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    Vote for membership
    Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Ai Yinshuang
    2020-10-09 08:12:38
    Dear Michelle,

    IGGCAS votes YES for both The University of Bergen and the University of Memphis.


    Yinshuang Ai

    &gt; -----原始邮件-----
    &gt; 发件人: "Michelle Grobbelaar (via FDSN)" <fdsn-representatives<at>>
    &gt; 发送时间: 2020-10-05 17:08:15 (星期一)
    &gt; 收件人: "Vote for membership" <fdsn-representatives<at>>
    &gt; 抄送:
    &gt; 主题: [fdsn-representatives] Vote for membership
    &gt; Dear All
    &gt; We have received requests for membership, from 2 universities:
    &gt; The University of Bergen (UiB) is responsible for running the Norwegian National Seismic Network (NNSN), and operates 39 seismic stations. NORSAR who already is an FDSN member is contributing to the NNSN with additional stations. The UiB stations are all real-time and equipped with broadband seismometers (except for one) and high dynamic range digitizers. Geographically the network covers mainland Norway and Arctic islands that belong to Norway to monitor earthquakes in the region (about 8000 events per year). An overview of the network and operations was presented in the ISC 2018 Summary of the bulletin (, and current monitoring and seismicity is presented on UiB has always supported open data policy and developed open source seismological software (e.g., SEISAN). Waveform data (including all 39 UiB stations) are available openly through fdsn web-services from the EIDA node (UIB-NORSAR that is hosted at UiB. UiB has supported Orfeus as core participant since its beginning.
    &gt; The university of Memphis share the New Madrid network code with St. Louis University and also operate stations under the East Tennesse network code, both networks are part of the Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) seismic network which consists of 132 permanent seismic stations (26 broadband, 18 free field strongmotion, 12 digital shortperiod with collocated strongmotion, and 76 shortperiod 3-component). All channels are exported to IRIS in real-time where they are publicly available. They also submit hypocenters and arrival times to the USGS Comcat (also publicly available) using both the NM and SE network codes (they took over submitting events for SE from VA Tech in the mid-2000's).
    &gt; Thus, they also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    &gt; "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."
    &gt; At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.
    &gt; Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.
    &gt; Please could you send me your votes by no later than 20 October 2020 in order for us to make a decision.
    &gt; Thank you for you cooperation.
    &gt; Kind regards
    &gt; michelle
    &gt; ----------------------
    &gt; Vote for membership
    &gt; Topic home: | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>
    &gt; Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    &gt; Update subscription preferences at

    Prof. Yinshuang Ai
    Director of Seismic Array Laboratory
    Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
    No. 19, Beitucheng Western Road, Chaoyang District
    Beijing, 100029
    Tel 86-10-82998356
    Fax 86-10-62010846</fdsn-representatives<at>></fdsn-representatives<at>>

  • Branden Christensen
    2020-10-10 15:08:24
    Yes and yes!

    Both of these institutions are giants in seismology and have made important
    contributions to real-time monitoring.

    I hope you are safe and well Michelle.

    Branden Christensen
    CEO, Raspberry Shake, S.A. (@raspishake)

    On Mon, Oct 5, 2020, 04:08 Michelle Grobbelaar (via FDSN) <
    fdsn-representatives<at>> wrote:

    Dear All

    We have received requests for membership, from 2 universities:

    The University of Bergen (UiB) is responsible for running the Norwegian
    National Seismic Network (NNSN), and operates 39 seismic stations. NORSAR
    who already is an FDSN member is contributing to the NNSN with additional
    stations. The UiB stations are all real-time and equipped with broadband
    seismometers (except for one) and high dynamic range digitizers.
    Geographically the network covers mainland Norway and Arctic islands that
    belong to Norway to monitor earthquakes in the region (about 8000 events
    per year). An overview of the network and operations was presented in the
    ISC 2018 Summary of the bulletin (,
    and current monitoring and seismicity is presented on UiB
    has always supported open data policy and developed open source
    seismological software (e.g., SEISAN). Waveform data (including all 39 UiB
    stations) are available openly through fdsn web-services from the EIDA node
    (UIB-NORSAR that is hosted at UiB. UiB has supported
    Orfeus as core participant since its beginning.

    The university of Memphis share the New Madrid network code with St. Louis
    University and also operate stations under the East Tennesse network code,
    both networks are part of the Center for Earthquake Research and
    Information (CERI) seismic network which consists of 132 permanent seismic
    stations (26 broadband, 18 free field strongmotion, 12 digital shortperiod
    with collocated strongmotion, and 76 shortperiod 3-component). All
    channels are exported to IRIS in real-time where they are publicly
    available. They also submit hypocenters and arrival times to the USGS
    Comcat (also publicly available) using both the NM and SE network codes
    (they took over submitting events for SE from VA Tech in the mid-2000's).

    Thus, they also agree to the requirement for FDSN membership:
    "Membership in the FDSN is open to all groups that operate more than one
    broad-band station. Members agree to coordinate station siting and provide
    free and open access to their data (normally in SEED format)."

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
    membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting
    members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN
    will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 20 October 2020 in
    order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    Vote for membership
    Topic home:
    | Unsubscribe: fdsn-representatives-unsubscribe<at>

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at