International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN General Meetings in Kobe - Preliminary Agendas

Started: 2017-07-26 19:43:06
Last activity: 2017-07-26 19:43:06
Goran Ekstrom
2017-07-26 19:43:06

Dear FDSN Steering Committee members and colleagues:

Below you will find the Preliminary Agendas for the
FDSN General Meetings in Kobe next week.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Best regards,
Göran Ekström
Chair, FDSN


The International Federation of Seismographic Networks (FDSN)
General Meeting 1 Agenda
30 July 2017, 15:00-18:00
IASPEI Meeting, Kobe, Japan
Room 403

(1) Welcome and Introductions

(2) Message from the Chair
2.0 The continued importance and role of the FDSN
2.1 Data discovery, access, and preservation
2.2 Outreach, training
2.3 Challenges ahead

(3) Regional FDSN reports
3.1 Europe
3.2 Asia
3.3 Africa
3.4 Latin America and the Caribbean
3.5 North America

(4) Working Group updates (preview of WG meeting issues)
4.1 WG I
4.2 WG II
4.3 WG III
4.4 WG IV
4.5 WG V

(5) Membership
5.1 New members since last meeting (acknowledgement)
5.2 Pending applications and potential votes
5.3 Clarification of policy and procedure for member
acceptance between meetings

(6) Executive Committee Election
6.1 Positions to fill
6.2 Position of Vice Chair (fill it or not)
6.3 Nominations received so far, and call for nominations

(7) Other business

(8) Adjourn

General Meeting 2 Agenda
August 4 2017, 14:00-16:00
IASPEI Meeting, Kobe, Japan
Room 503

(1) Executive Committee Election (presentation and vote)

(2) Working Group Reports and Recommendations
10.1 WG I
10.2 WG II
10.3 WG III
10.4 WG IV
10.5 WG V

(3) Other business

(4) Adjourn