International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Voting for a new member

Started: 2016-12-15 08:31:01
Last activity: 2017-01-05 17:12:03
Michelle Grobbelaar
2016-12-15 08:31:01
Dear All

We have received a request for membership from Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) in Spain.

At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

ICGC are currently are sending data to ORFEUS and will be making their data available online as well.

Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

Please could you send me your votes by no later than 17 January 2017 in order for us to make a decision.

Thank you for you cooperation.
Kind regards
  • Reinoud Sleeman
    2016-12-15 16:49:27
    Dear Michelle,

    I support the request from IGC to become FDSN member. Indeed ICGC sends data
    to ORFEUS which are openly available without restrictions via the FDSN standardized

    Best regards

    -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
    Van: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at> [fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>] Namens Michelle Grobbelaar
    Verzonden: donderdag 15 december 2016 09:31
    Aan: FDSN Representatives
    Onderwerp: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for a new member

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) in Spain.

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    ICGC are currently are sending data to ORFEUS and will be making their data available online as well.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 17 January 2017 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives (

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Constantin Ionescu
    2016-12-15 17:11:13
    Dear Michelle,
    We agree that ICGC become a member FDSN.
    Best regards,
    Dr.Eng. Constantin Ionescu
    National Institute for Earth Physics Phone;+40214050670, Fax:+40214050673,Mobile phone;0755077704Email; dirgen<at>, viorel<at>,viorel2k<at>

    From: Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>>
    To: FDSN Representatives <fdsn-representatives<at>>
    Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 10:31 AM
    Subject: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for a new member

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC)  in Spain.

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    ICGC  are currently are sending data to ORFEUS and will be making their data available online as well.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote.  A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 17 January 2017 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives (

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Tim Ahern
    2017-01-03 16:05:07
    IRIS supports this membership.
    Tim Ahern

    Director of Data Services

    1408 NE 45th Street #201
    Seattle, WA 98105

    (206)547-0393 x118
    (206) 547-1093 FAX

    On Dec 15, 2016, at 12:31 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar <michelle<at>> wrote:

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) in Spain.

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    ICGC are currently are sending data to ORFEUS and will be making their data available online as well.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 17 January 2017 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives (

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

  • Won-Young Kim
    2017-01-03 21:06:20
    Lamont Cooperative Seismographic Network (LCSN)
    supports the application for a FDSN membership of
    Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) in Spain.

    Won-Young Kim
    Director of LCSN

    On 12/15/16 3:31 AM, Michelle Grobbelaar wrote:
    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) in Spain.

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    ICGC are currently are sending data to ORFEUS and will be making their data available online as well.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 17 January 2017 in order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives (

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at

    Won-Young Kim
    Lamont Research Professor
    Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
    of Columbia University
    61 Route 9W
    Palisades, NY 10964
    Tel: 845-365-8387

  • Seiji Tsuboi
    2017-01-05 17:12:03
    JAMSTEC supports the application for a FDSN membership of Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) in Spain.

    Seiji Tsuboi

    -----Original Message-----
    From: fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>
    [fdsn-representatives-bounce<at>] On Behalf Of
    Michelle Grobbelaar
    Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 5:31 PM
    To: FDSN Representatives
    Subject: [fdsn-representatives] Voting for a new member

    Dear All

    We have received a request for membership from Institut Cartogràfic i
    Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) in Spain.

    At our last meeting, we decided that, should we receive applications for
    membership, we could send out an email for voting.

    ICGC are currently are sending data to ORFEUS and will be making their
    data available online as well.

    Each member of the FDSN will have one vote. A majority of 2/3 voting members
    will be required for an affirmative vote. Five members of the FDSN will
    constitute a quorum.

    Please could you send me your votes by no later than 17 January 2017 in
    order for us to make a decision.

    Thank you for you cooperation.
    Kind regards

    FDSN Representatives

    Sent from the FDSN Message Center (
    Update subscription preferences at