International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN Working Group V meeting agenda

Started: 2015-06-16 02:35:58
Last activity: 2015-06-16 02:35:58
Bruce Beaudoin
2015-06-16 02:35:58
Dear All, below is a tentative agenda for our upcoming meeting at IUGG. Working Group V is scheduled to meet Saturday June 27 at noon in room 3.1. If you have comments or suggestions for the agenda and/or are planning to present highlights from your group, please let me know no later than 18/06/2015.

Sincerely, Bruce

Tentative Agenda
- Approval of 2013 minutes (please see attached)
- Group/facility highlights and developments (3-5min presentations)
- Best practices - are there new resources that should be linked on>
- Mapping tool and QC tools follow-on to 2013 meeting’s discussion
- Integrating large and multi-phase data sets (e.g. controlled and passive source) - what tools exist and what tools are needed
- How can the portable-seismology community steer instrument development with limited funds and can WG-V play a role?
- Nominations for WG-V vice chair

Bruce Beaudoin
100 East Rd., NMT
Socorro, NM 87801
(575) 835-5071