International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Invitation to join FDSN Working Group V meeting during IUGG

Started: 2015-05-28 16:00:01
Last activity: 2015-06-02 16:15:28
Dear All, the FDSN Working Group V ( on Portable Instrumentation is holding its bi-annual meeting during the upcoming IUGG meeting in Prague ( The Working Group on Portable Instrumentation was formed at the 2003 and coordinates the activities of the various groups around the globe that deploy portable instruments in field experiments. During our 2013 meeting in Göteborg, Sweden, the working group recognized the overlapping interests and frequent integration of land and OBS deployments. The overall consensus was that OBS community participation would enrich our working group.

With this email I would like to extend an invitation for you to join our meeting. The FDSN meetings will take place in Prague between June 26-30. Working Group V is schedule to meet Saturday June 27 at noon in room 3.1.

Please respond if you would like to participate in our working group. You are also welcome to forward this email to other members of the OBS community you think may be interested.

If you would like to join our mailing list please visit:

Sincerely, Bruce

Bruce Beaudoin
100 East Rd., NMT
Socorro, NM 87801
(575) 835-5071

  • Hello Bruce

    I would like to participate in WG V meetings in Prague. As you know the IRIS DMC is involved in management of onshore-offshore deployments such as Cascade and a new found interest in OBS within portable seems timely. There are also a growing number of cabled ocean observatories and I think the FDSN should have involvement in that area as well. Starting a discussion in WG V might be good but cabled area are more like permanent observatories and not temporary deployments.


    Tim Ahern

    Director of Data Services

    1408 NE 45th Street #201
    Seattle, WA 98105

    (206)547-0393 x118
    (206) 547-1093 FAX

    On May 28, 2015, at 8:00 AM, Bruce Beaudoin <bruce<at>> wrote:

    Dear All, the FDSN Working Group V ( on Portable Instrumentation is holding its bi-annual meeting during the upcoming IUGG meeting in Prague ( The Working Group on Portable Instrumentation was formed at the 2003 and coordinates the activities of the various groups around the globe that deploy portable instruments in field experiments. During our 2013 meeting in Göteborg, Sweden, the working group recognized the overlapping interests and frequent integration of land and OBS deployments. The overall consensus was that OBS community participation would enrich our working group.

    With this email I would like to extend an invitation for you to join our meeting. The FDSN meetings will take place in Prague between June 26-30. Working Group V is schedule to meet Saturday June 27 at noon in room 3.1.

    Please respond if you would like to participate in our working group. You are also welcome to forward this email to other members of the OBS community you think may be interested.

    If you would like to join our mailing list please visit:

    Sincerely, Bruce

    Bruce Beaudoin
    100 East Rd., NMT
    Socorro, NM 87801
    (575) 835-5071

    fdsn-wg5-portable mailing list

    • Dear Bruce, dear all,

      RESIF and the RESIF-SISMOB mobile pool managers can unfortunately not be
      present at the Prague meeting.

      FYI the RESIF-SISMOB mobile pool will further increase in size this
      year, partly in preparation for the AlpArray projet which is starting now.

      As we are sure you know, data from the RESIF mobile pool are available
      using fdsn web services and via EIDA, with the usual time delay of 2-3
      years. A novelty this year is that we are creating a joint
      offshore-onshore dataset for the RHUM-RUM experiment (Reunion Island),
      and that we are planning from now on systematically to distribute data
      from the French OBS national pool.
      If the French and the German proposals are funded, AlpArray will also be
      a joint land-OBS broadband experiment.

      Another development that we are observing is the use of very dense
      arrays, based on thousands of sensors. RESIF has not acquired such
      equipment, but the community is collectively reflecting on the best way
      to obtain such data - and in particular whether rental or acquisition of
      arrays is the best way forwards.

      Best regards

      Anne Paul and Helle Pedersen

      On May 28, 2015, at 8:00 AM, Bruce Beaudoin <bruce<at>> wrote:

      Dear All, the FDSN Working Group V ( on Portable Instrumentation is holding its bi-annual meeting during the upcoming IUGG meeting in Prague ( The Working Group on Portable Instrumentation was formed at the 2003 and coordinates the activities of the various groups around the globe that deploy portable instruments in field experiments. During our 2013 meeting in Göteborg, Sweden, the working group recognized the overlapping interests and frequent integration of land and OBS deployments. The overall consensus was that OBS community participation would enrich our working group.

      With this email I would like to extend an invitation for you to join our meeting. The FDSN meetings will take place in Prague between June 26-30. Working Group V is schedule to meet Saturday June 27 at noon in room 3.1.

      Please respond if you would like to participate in our working group. You are also welcome to forward this email to other members of the OBS community you think may be interested.

      If you would like to join our mailing list please visit:

      Sincerely, Bruce

      Bruce Beaudoin
      100 East Rd., NMT
      Socorro, NM 87801
      (575) 835-5071

      fdsn-wg5-portable mailing list

      fdsn-wg5-portable mailing list


      *Anne Paul*
      Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre)
      Adresse postale: /BP 53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France/
      Adresse géographique: /OSUG-C, 1381 rue de la piscine, Domaine
      Universitaire, 38400 St Martin d'Hères/
      Tél: +33 (0)4 76 63 52 58