International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: Digital Object Identifiers for Seismic Networks & StationXML

Started: 2014-05-21 04:55:47
Last activity: 2014-06-06 17:31:46
Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)
2014-05-21 04:55:47

Dear members of FDSN WG II

Several groups in Europe as well as IRIS staff have put considerable effort into identifying a way in which researchers can give proper credit to operators of seismic networks. The attached document is the result of several months of discussions.This document is sent to FDSN WG-III for approval.

As the document contains some suggested modifications to the StationXML schema I kindly ask
you to have a look on that part specifically and provide feedback (if needed) before June 9.
If we have not heard back from you by June 9, we will assume you have no objection to the proposal.

Best regards
Reinoud Sleeman

  • I am in favor of the suggested modifications to include DOIs within the StationXML

    Tim Ahern

    Director of Data Services

    1408 NE 45th Street #201
    Seattle, WA 98105

    (206)547-0393 x118
    (206) 547-1093 FAX

    On May 20, 2014, at 2:55 PM, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) <reinoud.sleeman<at>> wrote:

    Dear members of FDSN WG II

    Several groups in Europe as well as IRIS staff have put considerable effort into identifying a way in which researchers can give proper credit to operators of seismic networks. The attached document is the result of several months of discussions.This document is sent to FDSN WG-III for approval.

    As the document contains some suggested modifications to the StationXML schema I kindly ask
    you to have a look on that part specifically and provide feedback (if needed) before June 9.
    If we have not heard back from you by June 9, we will assume you have no objection to the proposal.

    Best regards
    Reinoud Sleeman
    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

  • I support the recommended extension to StationXML
    to support the inclusion of DOI and other sanctioned

    - Doug N

    On 05/20/2014 02:55 PM, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) wrote:

    Dear members of FDSN WG II

    Several groups in Europe as well as IRIS staff have put considerable
    effort into identifying a way in which researchers can give proper
    credit to operators of seismic networks. The attached document is the
    result of several months of discussions.This document is sent to FDSN
    WG-III for approval.

    As the document contains some suggested modifications to the StationXML schema I kindly ask
    you to have a look on that part specifically and provide feedback (if needed) before June 9.
    If we have not heard back from you by June 9, we will assume you have no objection to the proposal.

    Best regards
    Reinoud Sleeman

    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

    Doug Neuhauser University of California, Berkeley
    doug<at> Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
    Office: 510-642-0931 215 McCone Hall # 4760
    Fax: 510-643-5811 Berkeley, CA 94720-4760
    Remote: 530-752-5615 (Wed,Fri)

  • I suppor the proposal and inclusion of DOI's, they will provide useful information and simplified
    Thank you-

    On May 20, 2014, at 2:55 PM, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) <reinoud.sleeman<at>> wrote:

    Dear members of FDSN WG II

    Several groups in Europe as well as IRIS staff have put considerable effort into identifying a way in which researchers can give proper credit to operators of seismic networks. The attached document is the result of several months of discussions.This document is sent to FDSN WG-III for approval.

    As the document contains some suggested modifications to the StationXML schema I kindly ask
    you to have a look on that part specifically and provide feedback (if needed) before June 9.
    If we have not heard back from you by June 9, we will assume you have no objection to the proposal.

    Best regards
    Reinoud Sleeman
    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

    Rick Benson
    Director of Data Management
    (206)547-0393 ext. 119(office)

  • HI,

    I fully support the proposal


    Helle Pedersen
    RESIF Director

    Le 20/05/2014 23:55, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) a écrit :
    Dear members of FDSN WG II

    Several groups in Europe as well as IRIS staff have put considerable effort into identifying a way in which researchers can give proper credit to operators of seismic networks. The attached document is the result of several months of discussions.This document is sent to FDSN WG-III for approval.

    As the document contains some suggested modifications to the StationXML schema I kindly ask
    you to have a look on that part specifically and provide feedback (if needed) before June 9.
    If we have not heard back from you by June 9, we will assume you have no objection to the proposal.

    Best regards
    Reinoud Sleeman

    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

    Helle Pedersen

    Directrice de RESIF
    Déléguée Scientifique au CNRS-INSU

    Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
    BP 53
    F-38041 Grenoble Cedex
    Tel +33 (0)4 76 63 52 59
    Fax +33 (0)4 76 63 52 01

    Mon ancien adresse email n'est plus valable.
    Merci d'utiliser Helle.Pedersen<at>
    Merci de supprimer l'adresse contenant '' de vos adresse collectés.

    My old email address is no longer valid.
    Please use Helle.Pedersen<at>
    Please delete the addresses with '' from your collected addresses.

  • I support this proposal.

    Dr. Peter Davis
    Executive Director, Project IDA
    University of California, San Diego
    (o) 858-534-2839
    (f) 858-534-6354

    On May 20, 2014, at 2:55 PM, Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI) <reinoud.sleeman<at>> wrote:

    Dear members of FDSN WG II

    Several groups in Europe as well as IRIS staff have put considerable effort into identifying a way in which researchers can give proper credit to operators of seismic networks. The attached document is the result of several months of discussions.This document is sent to FDSN WG-III for approval.

    As the document contains some suggested modifications to the StationXML schema I kindly ask
    you to have a look on that part specifically and provide feedback (if needed) before June 9.
    If we have not heard back from you by June 9, we will assume you have no objection to the proposal.

    Best regards
    Reinoud Sleeman
    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list