International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

Thread: FDSN StationXML schema proposal

Started: 2012-11-10 04:38:25
Last activity: 2012-11-29 17:47:01
Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)
2012-11-10 04:38:25

Dear all,

the proposed schema sent earlier this week is now available from the FDSN website
together with an example FDSN StationXML file, provided by IRIS DMC:

The example validates with the 0.9 schema and represents a nominal usage of the
proposed format based on SEED 2.4 data. It does not contain an example of
every possible element because there are many optional elements and some elements
that will only be used in special cases.

Please use it in your review process and inform the group in case you have remarks
or suggestions, or simply support this proposal. Please provide feedback before
Nov 24 or it is assumed you agree :-)

Best regards,

  • Tim Ahern
    2012-11-12 21:22:17
    Hello Reinoud

    I support the acceptance of the proposed standard schema for FDSN services.


    Tim Ahern

    Director of Data Services

    1408 NE 45th Street #201
    Seattle, WA 98105

    (206)547-0393 x118
    (206) 547-1093 FAX

    On Nov 9, 2012, at 12:38 PM, "Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)" <Reinoud.Sleeman<at>> wrote:

    Dear all,

    the proposed schema sent earlier this week is now available from the FDSN website
    together with an example FDSN StationXML file, provided by IRIS DMC:

    The example validates with the 0.9 schema and represents a nominal usage of the
    proposed format based on SEED 2.4 data. It does not contain an example of
    every possible element because there are many optional elements and some elements
    that will only be used in special cases.

    Please use it in your review process and inform the group in case you have remarks
    or suggestions, or simply support this proposal. Please provide feedback before
    Nov 24 or it is assumed you agree :-)

    Best regards,

    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

  • Chad Trabant
    2012-11-21 00:04:28

    Dear all,

    During development of software using this schema we have identified some minor issues listed below. Regarding one of the issues I would like to solicit feedback from the working group.

    The CreationDate and TerminationDate elements under the Channel element refer to "station" but should be "channel", this is a simple typo and can be easily fixed. However I wonder if we need these elements at all. These are not the Start and End dates that define an epoch, only data-producer notations of a lifetime for a channel. There are already CreationDate and TerminationDate elements at the Station level. So the question is are these needed at the Channel level also?

    Other small issues to be fixed in 1.0:

    * Misspelled SECOND in the enumeration value of "LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECCOND)"

    * maxOccurs should be removed (defaulting to 1) instead of maxOccurs="unbounded" for the FIR element in ResponseStageType:
    <xs:element name="FIR" type="fsx:FIRType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

    And some minor spelling mistakes in the comments will be fixed.

    If anyone else has any feedback that should be included in the 1.0 schema please let us know before the 24th.


    On Nov 9, 2012, at 12:38 PM, "Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)" <reinoud.sleeman<at>> wrote:

    Dear all,

    the proposed schema sent earlier this week is now available from the FDSN website
    together with an example FDSN StationXML file, provided by IRIS DMC:

    The example validates with the 0.9 schema and represents a nominal usage of the
    proposed format based on SEED 2.4 data. It does not contain an example of
    every possible element because there are many optional elements and some elements
    that will only be used in special cases.

    Please use it in your review process and inform the group in case you have remarks
    or suggestions, or simply support this proposal. Please provide feedback before
    Nov 24 or it is assumed you agree :-)

    Best regards,

    fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

    • Chad Trabant
      2012-11-26 23:58:24

      Dear all,

      We received some feedback regarding the need for a generic equipment element and resource identifier attributes for more elements.

      To accommodate this feedback I propose the following additions to the schema:

      * Add new optional Equipment element to the ChannelType:
      <xs:element name="Equipment" type="fsx:EquipmentType" minOccurs="0"/>

      This is for the documentation of generic equipment in addition to the existing Sensor, PreAmplifier and DataLogger elements.

      * Add the optional "resourceId" attribute to the ResponseType and ResponseStageType types. To have the same meaning as used in the EquipmentType and BaseFilterType types.

      These changes allow operators managing equipment inventories more flexibility when mapping equipment and response documentation to/from FDSN StationXML.

      Please respond as soon as possible if there are any concerns with adding these optional components.


      On Nov 20, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Chad Trabant <chad<at>> wrote:

      Dear all,

      During development of software using this schema we have identified some minor issues listed below. Regarding one of the issues I would like to solicit feedback from the working group.

      The CreationDate and TerminationDate elements under the Channel element refer to "station" but should be "channel", this is a simple typo and can be easily fixed. However I wonder if we need these elements at all. These are not the Start and End dates that define an epoch, only data-producer notations of a lifetime for a channel. There are already CreationDate and TerminationDate elements at the Station level. So the question is are these needed at the Channel level also?

      Other small issues to be fixed in 1.0:

      * Misspelled SECOND in the enumeration value of "LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECCOND)"

      * maxOccurs should be removed (defaulting to 1) instead of maxOccurs="unbounded" for the FIR element in ResponseStageType:
      <xs:element name="FIR" type="fsx:FIRType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

      And some minor spelling mistakes in the comments will be fixed.

      If anyone else has any feedback that should be included in the 1.0 schema please let us know before the 24th.


      On Nov 9, 2012, at 12:38 PM, "Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)" <reinoud.sleeman<at>> wrote:

      Dear all,

      the proposed schema sent earlier this week is now available from the FDSN website
      together with an example FDSN StationXML file, provided by IRIS DMC:

      The example validates with the 0.9 schema and represents a nominal usage of the
      proposed format based on SEED 2.4 data. It does not contain an example of
      every possible element because there are many optional elements and some elements
      that will only be used in special cases.

      Please use it in your review process and inform the group in case you have remarks
      or suggestions, or simply support this proposal. Please provide feedback before
      Nov 24 or it is assumed you agree :-)

      Best regards,

      fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

      • Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)
        2012-11-29 06:11:47

        Dear all,

        please consider the suggested additions to the original proposed schema
        and share your comments with the working group before Dec 7. In case
        there are no other suggestions or concerns by then I consider the original
        schema plus the new additions as being accepted by this working group.


        From: fdsn-wg2-data-bounces<at> [fdsn-wg2-data-bounces<at>] on behalf of Chad Trabant [chad<at>]
        Sent: 27 November 2012 00:58
        To: fdsn-wg2-data<at>
        Cc: Ellen Yu; Stephane Zuzlewski
        Subject: Re: [fdsn-wg2-data] FDSN StationXML schema proposal

        Dear all,

        We received some feedback regarding the need for a generic equipment element and resource identifier attributes for more elements.

        To accommodate this feedback I propose the following additions to the schema:

        * Add new optional Equipment element to the ChannelType:
        <xs:element name="Equipment" type="fsx:EquipmentType" minOccurs="0"/>

        This is for the documentation of generic equipment in addition to the existing Sensor, PreAmplifier and DataLogger elements.

        * Add the optional "resourceId" attribute to the ResponseType and ResponseStageType types. To have the same meaning as used in the EquipmentType and BaseFilterType types.

        These changes allow operators managing equipment inventories more flexibility when mapping equipment and response documentation to/from FDSN StationXML.

        Please respond as soon as possible if there are any concerns with adding these optional components.


        On Nov 20, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Chad Trabant <chad<at><chad<at>>> wrote:

        Dear all,

        During development of software using this schema we have identified some minor issues listed below. Regarding one of the issues I would like to solicit feedback from the working group.

        The CreationDate and TerminationDate elements under the Channel element refer to "station" but should be "channel", this is a simple typo and can be easily fixed. However I wonder if we need these elements at all. These are not the Start and End dates that define an epoch, only data-producer notations of a lifetime for a channel. There are already CreationDate and TerminationDate elements at the Station level. So the question is are these needed at the Channel level also?

        Other small issues to be fixed in 1.0:

        * Misspelled SECOND in the enumeration value of "LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECCOND)"

        * maxOccurs should be removed (defaulting to 1) instead of maxOccurs="unbounded" for the FIR element in ResponseStageType:
        <xs:element name="FIR" type="fsx:FIRType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

        And some minor spelling mistakes in the comments will be fixed.

        If anyone else has any feedback that should be included in the 1.0 schema please let us know before the 24th.


        On Nov 9, 2012, at 12:38 PM, "Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)" <reinoud.sleeman<at><reinoud.sleeman<at>>> wrote:

        Dear all,

        the proposed schema sent earlier this week is now available from the FDSN website
        together with an example FDSN StationXML file, provided by IRIS DMC:

        The example validates with the 0.9 schema and represents a nominal usage of the
        proposed format based on SEED 2.4 data. It does not contain an example of
        every possible element because there are many optional elements and some elements
        that will only be used in special cases.

        Please use it in your review process and inform the group in case you have remarks
        or suggestions, or simply support this proposal. Please provide feedback before
        Nov 24 or it is assumed you agree :-)

        Best regards,

        fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

        • Tim Ahern
          2012-11-29 17:15:59
          Hello Members of FDSN WG II

          IRIS has been heavily involved in these developments and so of course I support the adoption of these slight additions the the schema.


          Tim Ahern

          Director of Data Services

          IRIS DMC
          1408 NE 45th Street #201
          Seattle, WA 98105

          (206)547-0393 x118
          (206) 547-1093 FAX

          On Nov 28, 2012, at 2:11 PM, "Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)" <Reinoud.Sleeman<at>> wrote:

          Dear all,

          please consider the suggested additions to the original proposed schema
          and share your comments with the working group before Dec 7. In case
          there are no other suggestions or concerns by then I consider the original
          schema plus the new additions as being accepted by this working group.


          From: fdsn-wg2-data-bounces<at> [fdsn-wg2-data-bounces<at>] on behalf of Chad Trabant [chad<at>]
          Sent: 27 November 2012 00:58
          To: fdsn-wg2-data<at>
          Cc: Ellen Yu; Stephane Zuzlewski
          Subject: Re: [fdsn-wg2-data] FDSN StationXML schema proposal

          Dear all,

          We received some feedback regarding the need for a generic equipment element and resource identifier attributes for more elements.

          To accommodate this feedback I propose the following additions to the schema:

          * Add new optional Equipment element to the ChannelType:
          <xs:element name="Equipment" type="fsx:EquipmentType" minOccurs="0"/>

          This is for the documentation of generic equipment in addition to the existing Sensor, PreAmplifier and DataLogger elements.

          * Add the optional "resourceId" attribute to the ResponseType and ResponseStageType types. To have the same meaning as used in the EquipmentType and BaseFilterType types.

          These changes allow operators managing equipment inventories more flexibility when mapping equipment and response documentation to/from FDSN StationXML.

          Please respond as soon as possible if there are any concerns with adding these optional components.


          On Nov 20, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Chad Trabant <chad<at><chad<at>>> wrote:

          Dear all,

          During development of software using this schema we have identified some minor issues listed below. Regarding one of the issues I would like to solicit feedback from the working group.

          The CreationDate and TerminationDate elements under the Channel element refer to "station" but should be "channel", this is a simple typo and can be easily fixed. However I wonder if we need these elements at all. These are not the Start and End dates that define an epoch, only data-producer notations of a lifetime for a channel. There are already CreationDate and TerminationDate elements at the Station level. So the question is are these needed at the Channel level also?

          Other small issues to be fixed in 1.0:

          * Misspelled SECOND in the enumeration value of "LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECCOND)"

          * maxOccurs should be removed (defaulting to 1) instead of maxOccurs="unbounded" for the FIR element in ResponseStageType:
          <xs:element name="FIR" type="fsx:FIRType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

          And some minor spelling mistakes in the comments will be fixed.

          If anyone else has any feedback that should be included in the 1.0 schema please let us know before the 24th.


          On Nov 9, 2012, at 12:38 PM, "Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)" <reinoud.sleeman<at><reinoud.sleeman<at>>> wrote:

          Dear all,

          the proposed schema sent earlier this week is now available from the FDSN website
          together with an example FDSN StationXML file, provided by IRIS DMC:

          The example validates with the 0.9 schema and represents a nominal usage of the
          proposed format based on SEED 2.4 data. It does not contain an example of
          every possible element because there are many optional elements and some elements
          that will only be used in special cases.

          Please use it in your review process and inform the group in case you have remarks
          or suggestions, or simply support this proposal. Please provide feedback before
          Nov 24 or it is assumed you agree :-)

          Best regards,

          fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

          fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

          • Pete Davis
            2012-11-29 17:47:01

            Although I have not been directly involved in IRIS' development, I strongly support adopting this proposal. Establishing a convention for the use of XML is key to meeting evolving needs for handling seismic data.


            Dr. Peter Davis
            Executive Director, Project IDA
            University of California, San Diego
            (o) 858-534-2839
            (f) 858-534-6354

            On Nov 29, 2012, at 9:15 AM, Tim Ahern wrote:

            Hello Members of FDSN WG II

            IRIS has been heavily involved in these developments and so of course I support the adoption of these slight additions the the schema.


            Tim Ahern

            Director of Data Services

            IRIS DMC
            1408 NE 45th Street #201
            Seattle, WA 98105

            (206)547-0393 x118
            (206) 547-1093 FAX

            On Nov 28, 2012, at 2:11 PM, "Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)" <Reinoud.Sleeman<at>> wrote:

            Dear all,

            please consider the suggested additions to the original proposed schema
            and share your comments with the working group before Dec 7. In case
            there are no other suggestions or concerns by then I consider the original
            schema plus the new additions as being accepted by this working group.


            From: fdsn-wg2-data-bounces<at> [fdsn-wg2-data-bounces<at>] on behalf of Chad Trabant [chad<at>]
            Sent: 27 November 2012 00:58
            To: fdsn-wg2-data<at>
            Cc: Ellen Yu; Stephane Zuzlewski
            Subject: Re: [fdsn-wg2-data] FDSN StationXML schema proposal

            Dear all,

            We received some feedback regarding the need for a generic equipment element and resource identifier attributes for more elements.

            To accommodate this feedback I propose the following additions to the schema:

            * Add new optional Equipment element to the ChannelType:
            <xs:element name="Equipment" type="fsx:EquipmentType" minOccurs="0"/>

            This is for the documentation of generic equipment in addition to the existing Sensor, PreAmplifier and DataLogger elements.

            * Add the optional "resourceId" attribute to the ResponseType and ResponseStageType types. To have the same meaning as used in the EquipmentType and BaseFilterType types.

            These changes allow operators managing equipment inventories more flexibility when mapping equipment and response documentation to/from FDSN StationXML.

            Please respond as soon as possible if there are any concerns with adding these optional components.


            On Nov 20, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Chad Trabant <chad<at><chad<at>>> wrote:

            Dear all,

            During development of software using this schema we have identified some minor issues listed below. Regarding one of the issues I would like to solicit feedback from the working group.

            The CreationDate and TerminationDate elements under the Channel element refer to "station" but should be "channel", this is a simple typo and can be easily fixed. However I wonder if we need these elements at all. These are not the Start and End dates that define an epoch, only data-producer notations of a lifetime for a channel. There are already CreationDate and TerminationDate elements at the Station level. So the question is are these needed at the Channel level also?

            Other small issues to be fixed in 1.0:

            * Misspelled SECOND in the enumeration value of "LAPLACE (RADIANS/SECCOND)"

            * maxOccurs should be removed (defaulting to 1) instead of maxOccurs="unbounded" for the FIR element in ResponseStageType:
            <xs:element name="FIR" type="fsx:FIRType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

            And some minor spelling mistakes in the comments will be fixed.

            If anyone else has any feedback that should be included in the 1.0 schema please let us know before the 24th.


            On Nov 9, 2012, at 12:38 PM, "Sleeman, Reinoud (KNMI)" <reinoud.sleeman<at><reinoud.sleeman<at>>> wrote:

            Dear all,

            the proposed schema sent earlier this week is now available from the FDSN website
            together with an example FDSN StationXML file, provided by IRIS DMC:


            The example validates with the 0.9 schema and represents a nominal usage of the
            proposed format based on SEED 2.4 data. It does not contain an example of
            every possible element because there are many optional elements and some elements
            that will only be used in special cases.

            Please use it in your review process and inform the group in case you have remarks
            or suggestions, or simply support this proposal. Please provide feedback before
            Nov 24 or it is assumed you agree :-)

            Best regards,

            fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

            fdsn-wg2-data mailing list

            fdsn-wg2-data mailing list