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FDSN code | XH (2014-2017) | Network name | Collaborative Research: Collaborative Research: Dynamic Response of the Ross Ice Shelf to Ocean Waves and Structure and Dynamics of the Ross Sea from a Passive Seismic Deployment on the Ross Ice Shelf (Ross Ice Shelf (RIS)) |
Start year | 2014 | Operated by | |
End year | 2017 | Deployment region |
Description |
Ocean gravity waves are dynamic, changeable elements of the global ocean environment, affected by ocean warming and changes in ocean and atmospheric circulation patterns. Their evolution may thus drive changes in ice-shelf stability by both mechanical interactions, and potentially increased basal melting, which in turn feed back on sea level rise. Our proposed research is intended to discover, through field observations and numerical simulations, how ocean wave-induced vibrations on ice shelves in general, and the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS), in particular, can be used to infer spatial and temporal variability of ice shelf mechanical properties. The mechanical forcing to be examined involves a broad spectrum of surface gravity waves spanning local wind seas (at periods less than 10 s), sea swell (in the 10 - 30 s period band), and infragravity (IG) waves (periods from about 50 to 300 s). |
Website | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) | 10.7914/SN/XH_2014 |
Citation |
Data Availability |
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Additional Notes | DR** stations refer to the Collaborative Research: Dynamic Response of the Ross Ice Shelf to Wave-Induced Vibrations project, while RS** stations refer to the Collaborative Research: Mantle Structure and Dynamics of the Ross Sea from a Passive Seismic Deployment on the Ross Ice Shelf project. |