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FDSN code | XB (1996-1996) | Network name | A study of the Abitibi-Greenville lithoshpere by teleseismic analyses (Abitibi) |
Start year | 1996 | Operated by | |
End year | 1996 | Deployment region |
Description |
This cooperative project deployed 28 inst. along the Lithoprobe Abitibi-Grenville geologic transect to complement seismic reflection profiles and magnetotelluric MT data. We are testing the hypothesis that both mantle seismic anisotropy and mantle structure in the region are related to Proterozoic and Archean orogenic episodes. The mantle processes that produce the mantle seismic anisotropy may also be responsible for the electrical anisotropy that has been measured by the magnetotelluric method. thus, seismic anisotropy is also being compared to electrical anisotropy. |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) | 10.7914/SN/XB_1996 |
Citation |
Data Availability |
FDSN Web Services provide a common data access API for seismic data.
Availability based on irisws-fedcatalog service.