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The French Landslide Observatory (OMIV – Observatoire Multi-disciplinaire des Instabilités de Versants) is a service (SNO – Service National d'Observation) of the French Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU) of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). The service monitors several continuously active landslides and rocky slopes affected by falls. The instrumented slopes are representative of deformation mechanisms and forcing conditions (rainfall, seismicity) observed in France. In 2018, the SNO partnership associates 5 OSUs (EOST, OSUG, THETA, OCA, OREME), two research laboratories (EMMAH, LETG-Caen) and two operational partners (ONF-RTM, BRGM). For each unstable slope, SNO-OMIV provides continuous open access to records of landslide kinematics, landslide seismicity, landslide hydrogeology, landslide hydrogeophysics and landslide forcing factors. It provides access to quality-controlled and standardized sensor data and to advanced analysis products (catalogues of landslide endogenous seismicity, surface displacement time series, effective rainfall time series). Combined, the five categories of observations are unique worldwide for long-term landslide documentation. The service was created and labelled by INSU in 2009; in 2018, OMIV is labelled for the monitoring and data management/diffusion for: - 7 permanent unstable slopes (Avignonet/Harmalière, La Clapière, Séchilienne, Super-Sauze, Saint-Eynard, Pégairolles, Villerville) and the (progressive) integration of landslide campaign measurements; - 5 categories of observation (Geodesy, Seismology, Hydrogeology, Hydrogeophysics, Meteorology) each of them being coordinated by one OSU partner. This DOI refers to the seismic signals recorded on 5 OMIV sites where continuous records of 3-component seismic sensors and seismic antennas (1-component vertical sensors located on a 40 to 100 m distance from the central 3-component sensor). Existing tools allow the use of these signals (i) to identify endogenous seismic signals emitted by the landslide deformation (micro-quakes, rockfalls, exotic gravitational signals) and (ii) to capture the response of the landslide to regional earthquakes or other forcing conditions. The OMIV seismological data are distributed through the RESIF Datacenter (French seismologic and geodetic network platform) at; the OMIV catalogues of endogeneous seismicity are distributed through the OMIV datacenter at