International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks

9X (2021-2022): Kamb Ice Stream Outlet Channel

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FDSN Network Information

FDSN code 9X (2021-2022) Network name Kamb Ice Stream Outlet Channel (KambSeis2)
Start year 2021 Operated by
  • Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
End year 2022 Deployment region -

Kamb Ice Stream ceased flowing from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet into the Ross Ice Shelf approximately 150 years. Stagnation of this ice stream has been attributed to changes in the routing of subglacial water. The KambSeis2 experiment targets a major subglacial drainage channel that crosses the ice-sheet ice-shelf transition and enters the sub ice shelf cavity. Using five small arrays surrounding the surface expression of the subglacial channel we aim to characterise drainage of subglacial water through the channel. This channel is the focus of direct access drilling during the 2021/2022 austral summer.

Citation Information

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.7914/b1k3-3c71
For more: DataCite ( JSON | XML | BibTeX )

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